The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it ~ Chinese proverb

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Bryce went to see his Oncologist today. His blood values are moving toward normal, although they are still off. The mass on his shoulder, which we are using as a visual and palpable gauge, is much smaller than it was in Denver. The doctor scheduled him for CT scans this Friday, so hopefully we’ll know by this weekend whether we will go back to Denver next week.
Bryce has been reading Lance Armstrong’s book. Lance traveled to the best cancer center for each treatment, even though he could have done it closer to home. Bryce is determined to do the same thing, so he wants to go to Denver no matter what Friday’s results are.
We are so grateful to everybody who has helped us during this time. Our sisters have been truly amazing, as they have taken Dani into their homes and hearts. Our neighbors and church members have brought over delicious meals. Thank you so much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It's never easy to come up with the right words in these situations, but I hope you know how many people are supporting you and praying for you daily. Hang in there and keep up the fight! You're an inspiration to me and to others that have fought (and may fight again) against this terrible disease.