The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it ~ Chinese proverb

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My Mom Was Right

Noah's Ark has sailed.I have always been surrounded with animals--my pets have always made me so happy.When I was pregnant with Dani, the cats started "marking their territory" in the nursery, so we banished them outside. Bryce built them a heated cat igloo. My tarantula, birds and turtle went to friends. Billi, our black labarador, stays with Papa Rog most of the time. Today, our little dachsund, Lelu, found a new home with Ken, a good friend of Papa Rog. What has happened to me? Am I heartless, or have my priorities taken a 180? The guilt is gnawing at me, but my daughter and husband need all of my attention right now. It will be nice to have a lawn for Dani to crawl on, and maybe someday a garden and swingset. But still...the guilt... :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You gave the animals a great made sure someone could love them and take care of them while you are focusing on Bryce's needs. That's love...please don't be sad. You, Bryce and Dani can come over any time and play with Rolf! There will be a time for animals again in your family's life. You gave your pets a tremendous gift...and they know it.
Hang in there, and all of you come home soon so I can see Rolf chase your newest dog! Hahaha.

My thoughts and prayers are always with you, Bryce and Dani.
